How to Secure Your Digital Life - The Class Available Now

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We have answers.

(Unless it’s about black holes, or something.)

The best way to stay up-to-date on Marc and all things cybersecurity is to sign up for our newsletter. But if you have other questions, want to book Marc for speaking, or hire him as a consultant, you’ll find everything else you need, below.

Invite Marc to speak

Please contact Kim Thornton at Penguin Random House
Speakers Bureau
: (212) 572-2299

Hire Marc to consult

Please contact Marc’s team directly by email at

Additional Representation

Literary: Inkwell Management, Richard Pine:
(212) 922-3500
Film/Television: Bob Bookman Management, Bob Bookman (310) 888-8755


For more contact options, please see FAQ’s below.


How do I book Marc for a speaking engagement?


I want to interview Marc! How do I do that?


I want to purchase copies of FUTURE CRIMES for my organization, conference or book club. How can I do that?


Marc would be a great advisor for my company. How can I work with him?


How can I learn more about cybersecurity?


I’m interested in a career in cybersecurity or know someone who would be great in the field. Where do I start?
